
Child development from 3 to 7

Development of speaking and thinking skills of children

Online course for development of speaking and thinking skills for children aged 3 to 7 years — mailing including three lessons a week, 150 lessons a year.
Get the first 150 lessons for free!

Course for development of speaking and thinking skills of children aged 3 to 7

Course for development of speaking and thinking skills of children aged 3 to 7

The time of childhood from three to seven years of age is the most intensive period of development. This is precisely the age when the foundation for the future child’s personality is built: thinking, memory, mental health, personal competence, self-esteem. The development in the preschool age is the key to the child’s success in the future.

The teaching program was created by a group of practicing children's educators based on many years of their educational experience and covers all the most important aspects of child development. There are four consecutive courses for ages 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7 years created.

Learn and play together

Learn and play together

You teach your child 15–20 minutes three times a week. Using the lessons offered in the course you can help your child to practice speaking and thinking skills, acquire new skills, improve articulation and fine motor skills, logical and spatial thinking, visual and auditory memory and stimulate creativity.

A coherent and consistent conversational speech makes the communication between the child and the outside world significantly better so that the child feels calmer and more confident. Fine motor skills have a positive effect on the development of thinking abilities.

Your joint activities with your child also improve relationships and the emotional climate in the family.


lessons a year


minutes a lesson


times a week


lessons for free

How it works

You subscribe for the course for development of speaking and thinking skills of children according to the age of your child.

You get the first course of 150 lessons absolutely for free — 3 lessons every week for one year.

If at the end of the first year of lessons your child is 7 years old or younger, then you pass on to the next course automatically. You still receive 3 lessons a week.

You teach your child using the course tasks just 15–20 minutes a day 3 times a week and stimulate the development of your child's skills.

More information and short instructions will be sent to your email immediately after you have confirmed your subscription.

How it works

We play, learn, grow

Development of speaking and thinking skills of children

Online course for development of speaking and thinking skills for children aged 3 to 7 years — mailing including three lessons a week, 150 lessons a year.
Get the first 150 lessons for free!